Explore key moments in ROi’s supply chain journey as we collaborate with fellow providers to elevate the strategic role of supply chain in health care.
A Timeline of our History
As you can see from our journey below, we are very proud of our history as a provider owned company
ROi is Incorporated 2002
ROi was born out of a cultural need to integrate key functions across Mercy Health and enhance the supply chain from manufacturer to patient.
Rx Repackaging 2003
ROi begins pharmacy distribution and pharmaceutical repackaging from its Consolidated Services Center.
Consolidated Services Center2003
ROi opens the 100,000 square foot Consolidated Services Center (CSC) in Springfield, MO.
ROi launches Regard 2006
ROi launches Regard, the first provider-owned private label program in the United States.
U.S. Manufacturing Facility 2009
ROi opens first provider-owned, FDA regulated Custom Procedure Tray manufacturing facility in the United States.
ROi partners with Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS).
Spartanburg Regional 2012
ROi partners with Spartanburg Regional.
Hospital Purchases 2017
Regard purchased by 100+ hospitals and acute care locations across the United States.
Orlando Health 2017
ROi partners with Orlando Health.
CPS Production 2018
ROi opens 107,000 sq. ft. facility in Republic, Missouri dedicated solely to CPS production.
A top global supply chain2018
ROi placed again in top 10 spot in the annual Healthcare Supply Chain Top 25 by leading research and ranking firm Gartner Inc.
HealthTrust acquires ROi 2019
HealthTrust acquires ROi. HealthPlus launch in Asheville, NC.